Buying a home can be overwhelming, especially when thinking about how to afford a down payment. The good news is, as a Canadian resident, you have some options for financing your new home. If you’ve contributed money to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), you may be eligible to use those funds to purchase a home with the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP).
Although whole life insurance, in its present form, has been around for over a century, it remains somewhat of an enigma for people who want to buy permanent protection, especially as new forms of life insurance have sprung up around it over the last several decades.
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a retirement benefit available to most working residents of Canada. With the exception of Quebec residents, who have the Quebec Pension Plan instead, Canadians make mandatory contributions to the CPP on a pay-as-you-go basis throughout their working careers. To qualify for CPP payments, you must be over the age of 60 and must have made at least one valid contribution. While benefits are available from ages 60 to 65...
These are truly remarkable times in the mortgage industry. Mortgage rates are still at their lowest point in more than 50 years presenting homeowners with a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to lock in rates while they’re at or near the bottom. No one can say for certain whether rates can or will drop even further, but what is certain is that, at some point, they will go up.
John Ponto |
Car ownership is necessary for many of us to get around, especially for those who live far from public transportation. While you may choose to drive something practical for your everyday commute, errands and travel, you probably have dreams of driving a car that’s fun, sporty and luxurious. Owning an expensive luxury or exotic vehicle may seem out of reach, but there are financial options available to make your dream a reality. Here are some...
A recent survey conducted by GK Roper revealed that nearly 55% of respondents reported hiding some aspect of their finances from their spouse or significant other. Few would argue that financial infidelity is as devastating as a marital infidelity, but most would agree that deceit is deceit, which leads to an evaporation of trust no matter where it comes from.
Most people are familiar with the basic concepts of life insurance and understand that some level of protection is a necessary part of modern financial life. The question of what life insurance can actually accomplish, when considered as part of an overall financial plan, is more involved and worth a closer look.
What to do when Your Adult Child Comes Looking for a Loan It’s an unfortunate sign of the times that an increasing number of adult children, caught in the convergence of a sluggish economy, a slow job market, and tight lending, are turning to the Bank of Mom and Dad for financial help.
In practice, the question often arises as to why a single woman should own life insurance. Before answering it, it might be instructive to consider some demographics, especially as they have been trending in recent years:
Thinking about where to invest your money can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for those who are unfamiliar with all options for investing. If you’d like to take advantage of the ease of stock trading with the diversification of mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can give you the best of both worlds. Here are some key things to know about ETFs before investing. ETF Basics Exchange-traded funds are baskets of securities—stocks, bonds, commodities or a...