Balance is seen as one of the keys to making the most of your investments. But what does a balanced portfolio look like?
Not all investing apps are equal, and depending on your goals it may be better to work with a financial professional instead of an algorithm.
Nearing retirement age and looking to reduce your expenses? Moving to a smaller home may help you save.
What exactly is dollar-cost averaging? And how can reverse dollar-cost averaging be risky to those who live on a fixed income?
Most people looking to implement a financial plan are making decisions with the long-term in mind. While what “long-term” means tend to vary depending on factors like age, individual and family goals, it’s safe to say most planners and their clients would agree that long-term is usually measured in years, not months.
Any protection strategy that focuses only on insurance can leave you and your family vulnerable to the threat of a legal system which doesn’t necessarily share your objectives.
Perhaps the most encouraging outcome of the latest recession is the increasing emphasis on debt reduction by most Canadians. We are borrowing less and saving more, and, hopefully, developing some more frugal habits that can lead to healthier finances in the future. Still, many people continue to struggle with their debt.
Relationships can be filled with tricky financial situations. Here are some tips on navigating money management as a team.
A Registered Education Savings Plan is a great way to make sure your children have the funds to pursue higher education, but what happens if your child doesn't want to attend college?
Most people would argue that living in a digital world, with instant access to an endless stream of information has made us smarter and more self-empowered than past generations. Investors believe that it has “leveled the playing field”, enabling them to make investment decisions based on the same information once only available to the investment pros.
The one thing of which we can all be certain of, is change. Life happens every day and, as a result, we are constantly assessing our situation and changing our course, usually by making small adjustments. A life insurance purchase is one of the few decisions we make with a more long-term perspective.
When it comes to admitting that women are better at certain things, men have a difficult time conceding any degree of supremacy.